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Introducing Whatsapp Whatsapp is a real-time cross

كتب : admin
نشر منذ : 7 سنوات
في تاريخ مايو 05,2018
Introducing Whatsapp  Whatsapp is a real-time cross

تنزيل او للتحميل من رابط مباشر اضغط بالاسفل download free 2017 or 2018 تحميل افلام جديدة press the bootem introducing whatsapp whatsapp is a real-time crossIntroducing Whatsapp Whatsapp is a real-time crossIntroducing Whatsapp

Whatsapp is a real-time cross-platform application that uses data to send messages. What this means, is that you can send message to ANYONE in the world, as long as you have a smartphone and data connection (be that a cellular data plan, or a wifi connection).

I know, sounds awfully a lot like iMessage right? Well here’s the thing – long, long before iMessage was even heard of, Whatsapp was making the rounds in Asia as the top paid App Store application, and with good reason. It’s the first time that we’ve had access to free, instantaneous, cross-platform international communication.

While iMessage requires you to have each others’ Apple IDs (an email address), Whatsapp works straight away as long as you have someone’s phone number in your existing address book. This is HUGE, and probably a large contributing factor to Whatsapp’s success/dominance as the main phone-based instant messaging platform.

Using Whatsapp

There are a couple of things you need to do to use Whatsapp to its full potential.

Take a look at this: Introducing Whatsapp Whatsapp real-time cross 1372635075481.jpg

You’ll see the way that I’ve set up his (fictional) phone number – I’ve tagged it as USA, meaning that it is his United States number. I’ve also prefixed his number with “+1″. “1″ is the international dialing code for the US/Canada. The “+”, tells my phone to start an international dial, regardless of which country I am in. This is important, because in different countries, you have to dial a different code for international numbers.

For example, in the US, you dial 011, then the country code, then the number. In Australia, you dial 0011, then the country code, then the number. The “+” sign is a universal translator that handles that first “001″ or “0011″ for you.

Go through your address book, and change ALL your contact numbers to international format.

E.g., convert 0455-555-555 to +61455-555-555 (an Australian mobile number) or 415-555-555 to +1-415-555-5555 (a US SF Bay Area number).

I also like to tag each number with what country it is from (e.g., USA, Thailand, Hungary etc). This is because my contacts typically have different cell numbers for different countries.

Now let’s take a look at Whatsapp itself (iPhone version, from what I’ve seen, BB and Android versions are similar).

When you first load up Whatsapp, it will ask you confirm your number, then it shows you a list of all the people in your address book who already have Whatsapp – it will likely be a LOT more than you think, especially if you don’t regularly prune your address book.

Feel free to play around with the application and all the settings and functions – what’s more interesting, is the mastermind aspect which I will get right into.

A couple of things you’ll want to change. Introducing Whatsapp Whatsapp real-time cross 1372635131871.jpg

Install Emoji (those cute smiley icons you see everywhere). On iPhone, find the Emoji Free! app and use that.

Under Settings –> Chat Settings, you’ll want to set your name to something recognizable, as this is what your friends will see when you message them:

to finish the topic read more Whatsapp and International Masterminds منتديات حياتى – منتدي حياتى 2018رسائل حب – رسائل عتاب 2018- رسائل فراق 2017- مسجات مضحكة

introducing whatsapp whatsapp is a real-time cross

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