رسائل حب للأصدقاء بالانجليزي

تنزيل او للتحميل من رابط مباشر اضغط بالاسفل download free 2017 or 2018 تحميل افلام جديدة press the bootem للأصدقاء , بالانجليزي , رسائلرسائل حب للأصدقاء بالانجليزيرسائل حب للأصدقاء بالانجليزي My mom always told me that we could never measure our wealth by money but by our friends. She would surely be glad to meet you and know how rich I turned out to be! أمي دائما تقول لي أن الثراء لا يقاس بالمال وإنما بالأصدقاء . وأكيد ستسعد بلقائك وسترى كيف أصبحت ثريا بمصادقتك .. I’m glad friendship doesn’t come with price tags. For if it does, I’d never afford someone as great as you. أنا سعيد لأن الصداقه لا تأتي بسعر , ولو أتت فلن أستطيع أن أجمع ثمن شخص رائع مثلك .. God in heaven, God above, please protect the friend I love. Sent with a smile, sealed with a kiss, I love my friend who’s reading this. الله في الجنه , الله في الأعلى , أرجو أن تحمي صديقي الذي أحب . أرسل لوجهه الإبتسامه , وقبله , فأنا أحب صديقي الذي يقرأ هذه الرساله .. The nicest place these days is right beside your friends. أحسن الأماكن هذه الأيام مقابل أصدقائك .. A friend is sweet when it is new. And it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweetest when it is you. الصديق جميل (حلو المعشر) اذا كان جديد , وأجمل اذا كان صادق , وأكثر جمالا اذا كان أنت .. A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I ****************ed you, but it’s okay because I got you. سهل ان تكسب قرشا , ولكن صعب العثور على صديق . القرش لا يقدر ولكن الصديق يقدر . فلقد خسرت قرشا لإرسالي هذه الرساله ولكن لا بأس لأني حصلت عليك .. A smile makes us look younger… while prayers make us feel stronger… and friends…? They make us enjoy life forever. الإبتسامه تجعلك تبدو أصغر .. والصلوات تجعلنا نشعر بأننا أقوى .. والأصدقاء ؟؟ يجعلوننا نستمتع بالحياة إلى الأبد .. Each day God sends His angels to guide us. We don’t expect to see them with wings, or with halo flying above their heads. Instead, they come in disguise and we call them friends. Thank you for being an angel to me! كل يوم يرسل الله ملائكته لتحرسنا . لا نرى اجنحتهم أو نرى تحليقهم العالي فوق روؤسنا . ولكنهم يأتوا متنكرين ونطلق عليهم مسمى أصدقاء . شكرا لك لأنك ملاك بالنسبه لي .. A friend is like a book that has to be read to appreciate its beauty. As such, you’re one of the finest books ever written. How I wish you could be reprinted! الصديق مثل الكتاب يجب ان تقرأه لتقدر جماله . ولهذا انت يا صديقي من اجود الكتب كتابه وكم أتمنى ان يعاد نسخك .. What are the differences between a peso and a friend? A peso is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. A peso loses its value, a friend increases its worth. I don’t have a peso but I have you! ما الفرق بين البيزو (عمله) والصديق ؟؟ البيزو سهل ان تجنيه ولكن صعب ان تجد صديقا . البيزو يفقد قيمته ولكن الصديق تزيد قيمته . لا بيزو لدي ولكن لدي أنت .. God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day…and I just caught one that’s so nice and true…It’s you! الله يرش الأرض ببذور صغيرة ولكن رائعه كل يوم وصادف ان امسكت بواحده جميله و حقيقيه وهي أنت .. A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship. الشمعه تستطيع ان تنير غرفه كامله . والصديق الحقيقي ينير حياه كامله . شكرا لأشعه صداقتك المضيئه If you open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It’s you True friends are hard to find so I kept you إذا فتحت قلبي , ماذا تعتقد سترى ؟؟ إنه أنت . الأصدقاء الحقيقيون صعب العثور عليهم لذلك احتفظت بك بقلبي . I might run out of cute graphics to send you but I’ll never run out of this: care for you قد تنتهي صور ( هاتفي ) جميله لأرسلها لك , ولكن لن ينتهي : إهتمامي بك .. When you’re down, I’ll be there to cheer you up When you’re tired, I’ll be there to lift you up. I’ll be your friend no matter what إذا كنت غير مبتهج سأكون بقربك حتى أسعدك . إذا كنت متعب سأكون بقربك لأساعدك . سأكون صديقك مهما حصل . Keep me as a friend and I will keep you in my heart and lock it up. I’ll throw away the key so that no one can take you away from me. [line] Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled. [line] If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them; I’d be at the bottom to catch them. [line] Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like you – a precious gift from God! [line] I always thought loving someone is the greatest feeling, but I realized that loving a friend is even better. We lose people we love, but we never lose true friends. [line] If one day you feel like crying, call me. I can’t promise to make you laugh, but I’m willing to cry with you. [line] A man should keep his friends in a constant repair. The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for. [line] Some friends are separated by time. Some are separated by differences. Some by distances, some by pride. But no matter how far you are or different we may be, you’ll always be a friend to me! [line] There is a golden bridge called friendship that spans the river of time and links out hearts together even if we walks separate roads of life. [line] If friends were flowers surely I would not pick you! I’d let you grow in the garden and cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you forever. One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. One touch can show you care, one friend can make life worth living for. In my dreams, we were never apart. In my dreams you kept me close. In my dreams you loved me the most. In my dreams we’re always together. Might as well be dreaming forever. 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